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By L.A. Williams, Correspondent
Christian Action League
WILMINGTON — How did America get in this shape? Where are we going? And how could this possibly be the greatest hour for the Church? –- These are just a few of the questions that Dr. Ron Carlson and Brannon Howse will answer next month at Northside Baptist in Wilmington during a Worldview Weekend Rally for students and adults.
The event, set for 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 11, aims to “equip Christians to understand the times in light of Biblical truth and how God would have us respond,” not an easy task when, Howse says, the church on a national level is “melting down.”
“What we need to understand is that this battle is about a lot more than just winning a culture war – whether we win the culture war or whether we lose it – whether we are going to see the end of abortion, whether or not the Ten Commandments ever go back up on classroom walls, we must stand up for righteousness.” he said.
“What we need to understand is that there is a spiritual war that can and must be won by individuals by families, by the Bible believing church.”
It’s that spiritual war that most concerns Howse, author, talk-show host and founder of Worldview Weekend, which challenges 25,000 to 40,000 people at conferences each year to view everything through the lens of God’s Word.
Apologist and cult expert Dr. Ron Carlson, founder of Christian Ministry International, will join Howse to refute evolution, political correctness and cultural Marxism and encourage young and old alike to contend for the faith. They will address why Oprah’s pagan spirituality is doubling in America every 18 months and what the Bible has to say about the coming one-world religion, one-world economy and global governance.
Unlike the pastors Carlson’s ministry has trained all over the world, Howse said many clergy in America have little understanding of the anti-biblical philosophy that is robbing evangelical churches of their future. Studies show, some 89 percent of young people leave their congregation before they finish high school.
“The problem is that we get kids in church and we teach them Bible stories while in school they’re learning about the fossil record, philosophy, economics and everything else. Why aren’t we teaching those things in the church?” Howse said. “What they start to believe is that the Bible is just for ‘spiritual’ issues and that school is the ‘real world.’ “
He said too often even those who attend church through high school have “checked out” intellectually long before because they aren’t hearing anything relevant to their lives or what they see happening around them. But some of those same young people are flocking to worldview conferences, which is one reason Howse believes the true Church could be facing its finest hour even as false teachers abound.
“We are watching the rise of an apostate church as predicted,” he said. “We are trying to train the remnant, the bride of Christ.”
He said Christianity is exploding in China and Cuba and that the growing persecution of Christians will weed out false converts and strengthen believers.
“I’m talking about real Christianity, not man-centered marketing or Joel Osteen feel-good religion,” Howse said.
He encouraged those interested in following their pastor’s lead toward Biblical worldview training to attend the event, and especially those whose pastors aren’t leading Biblically. Beyond the October event, they can purchase inexpensive worldview training curriculum for themselves and to disciple others.
“At churches where pastors aren’t teaching a Biblical worldview, we are seeing lay people coming to the forefront saying ‘we want to lead,’ and at the churches where the pastors do ‘get it’ they are eager to have their lay people come alongside them and support them,” Howse said.
The Oct. 11 event in Wilmington is free of charge, but seating is limited and registration is required at