Christian Action League
For several weeks the Christian Action League has been reporting to its friends and supporters about a Federal Court ruling that prayers offered “in Jesus name” at the Forsyth County Commissioner’s meeting are “unconstitutional.” Commissioners are now trying to decide whether to appeal that decision.
Mike Johnson of the Alliance Defense Fund has urged the Commissioners to appeal. Johnson noted: “We really believe at ADF that this is an important case. If its not appealed and we don’t get the erroneous decision below overturned, then it will leave a bad precedent on the books and I think will have a chilling effect on public prayer throughout the region and perhaps have an effect on that freedom around the country.”
According to our friends from Return America, “Chairman Plyler has hinted that he will vote for an appeal if there is enough money in escrow to cover the fees due should they lose the case.” One of the concerns of Commissioners is that if they appeal and lose, they would then face a hefty bill for attorney’s fees levied by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. WPIP 880 AM is currently raising funds for this account. To give to this worthy cause, Contact: 336.785.0527 to donate or for additional information.
Friends of the Christian Action League who live in Forsyth County are urged to attend the County Commissioners Meeting, Monday February 22, at 6:00 p.m., 201 North Chestnut Street in Winston Salem.
More importantly, all friends of the League are urged to contact the Forsyth County Commissioners and graciously urge them to protect the religious rights of any person to pray according to the dictates of their conscience, including the right to pray “in Jesus name.” Please urge them to appeal this case.
To contact the Forsyth County Commissioners, letting your Christian voice be heard on this issue click here
Remember: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
Related Stories:
Federal Court Rules Forsyth County Prayers are Unconstitutional
Federal Magistrate to Forsyth County Commissioners: Stop Praying in the Name of Jesus