Christian Action League
Our nation is in trouble and traditional family values are severely under attack. Many good churches are zealous for the Lord, the lost, the broken and for our country. Great pastors are on the frontlines of our nation’s defense. In addition to ministering to broken lives, pastors and churches can make an impact in turning our country back to the values that made it great.
On Sundays September 19 and 26, 2010, thousands of churches across the nation will commemorate Citizenship Sunday by registering voters. In partnership with our friends from the American Family Association, we encourage you to utilize some simple tools to make it easy for you to register voters in your church.
Here’s what you can do:
Designate a person in your congregation to handle voter registration. Forward this email to them so they can read the Tips for Registering Voters in Your Church and be prepared to register voters on September 19 and 26, 2010.
Print the Bulletin Insert for both Sundays so that everyone will know who needs to register.
Pastors are encouraged to preach about the biblical basis for Christian citizenship from passages like Matthew 5:13-16 (salt and light), Matthew 22:21 (render to Caesar and to God), Isaiah 33:22 (3 branches of government) or Colossians 3:17 (do all in the name of the Lord Jesus).
Share this email with denominational leaders or other pastors.
Preparing your congregation by encouraging them to register to vote is the first step toward electing Godly men and women to office.
Thanks for caring enough to get involved.
Rev. Mark H. Creech
Executive Director
Christian Action League of North Carolina, Inc.
P.S. Nonpartisan voter registration is completely legal for pastors and churches. Click here for Liberty Counsel’s legal opinion.