Send an email of thanks if your Representative voted for the override!
By L.A. Williams, Correspondent
Christian Action League
RALEIGH — Some pro-life supporters wept for joy and others offered prayers of praise and thanksgiving Tuesday afternoon when the North Carolina House voted 72 to 47 to override Gov. Bev Perdue’s veto of House Bill 854-Abortion-Woman’s Right to Know. The Senate may take the matter up later this week.
The informed consent law, passed in mid-June and one of more than 30 similar measures in effect across the nation, would provide women with a range of information from their doctor’s name and insurance status to the risks of abortion and full-term pregnancy and require an ultrasound and a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion could be performed. While opponents say it would intrude on the doctor-patient relationship, the bill’s primary sponsors — Rep. Ruth Samuelson (R-Mecklenburg) and Rep. Pat McElraft (R-Carteret) — say it is simply an attempt to make sure that women facing such a crucial decision have all the information they need.
Pro-life supporters say states where similar laws have been passed report up to a 10 percent reduction in abortion — an outcome that could save 3,000 unborn children in North Carolina each year.
The Rev. Mark Creech, executive director of the Christian Action League, observed the intense House debate on the bill override from the gallery Tuesday, where applause broke out when the vote was announced. He said when the session recessed, the halls filled with celebration and spontaneous prayer meetings as pro-life supporters joined hands and thanked the Lord.
“Glory to God for this wonderful victory,” said the Rev. Creech. “Lawmakers obviously took to heart the calls and e-mails received on this important matter.”
He said Christians across the state should be quick to offer those prayers of thanks and quick to follow them with a note of appreciation to those in the House who supported the override, some withstanding intense pressure in doing so. All Republicans voted for the bill as did four Democrats: Reps. Bill Brisson (D-Bladen), Dewey Hill (D-Columbus), Tim Spear (D-Chowan) and Jim Crawford (D-Granville).
To see how your lawmaker voted in the House, click here
To e-mail your lawmaker a note of thanks, click here
The Rev. Creech also urged Christians to keep praying that the override receives the needed 30 votes to pass in the Senate where Republicans have a 31-19 margin.