Christian Action League
Urgent Action Alert
Senate Bill 526 is scheduled for consideration in the House Judiciary I Committee at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 16 and may be voted on by the full House as early as Wednesday, June 17. Call your House Member NOW and ask them to vote against SB 526!
Posing as a bill to end bullying, the Anti-Bullying bill would actually normalize homosexuality and cross-dressing in public schools.
Sponsors of the Anti-bullying bill have staked the entire future of the anti-bullying bill on the inclusion of a clause enumerating special classes of victims of bullying, including “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” These two terms define homosexuality, cross-dressing, and 29 other variations of “sexual orientations.”
The bill sponsors, Equality NC and the ACLU, have teamed up to force legal recognition for “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” on the school children of North Carolina, by including it in a bill that appears to have a good purpose-preventing students from being bullied. However, it is not necessary to create special legal recognition for homosexuality and transgenderism just to protect students from being bullied.
All children should be protected from bullying, not just certain children who fall into the enumerated classes of victims. North Carolina already has an anti-bullying policy for public schools that protects all children equally. However, the bill sponsors want one that includes “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as legally recognized categories of victims.
Courts in other states, like Iowa, have used anti-bullying laws that enumerate “sexual orientation” as a basis to overturn their marriage laws. North Carolina does not need to follow this slippery slope. This bill is really about advancing the homosexual agenda, not preventing bullying.
Please contact your House member and ask him or her to vote against Senate Bill 526!
Read the Christian Action League’s Brief on the Bullying Bill